what is the meaning of life?

i am living what looks like an ordinary life, wake up, walk my dogs, do my work, cook my dinner, walk the dogs,, might watch some TV, go to bed. 

i live in london, there are many cultures here, i like it. i can get on the tube. i have a car and a motorcycle. i have a partner, some friends, some family. i support my local football team. 

with a good run i have another 26 years to live. then …well …….there are many beliefs….. sincerely held beliefs. 

after many years of studying religions, psychology, political ideologies and other theories i’ve come to (my own) conclusion. 

..all of the beliefs are right.... 

how can that be? ……...let me explain.

they are all right because …they are all imagined and that is the meaning of life. to imagine, to create, to make stuff up and experience it. 

let me try and bring this to life…

imagine you went to a theme park and they had this cool new ride. you could climb inside a suit. 

this suit allowed you to experience many things. you start off in a small suit. you have no idea what is going on. but farting is fun (that never gets old does it…). every minute feels like a year. you interact, you learn new things, you try to touch fire, you get to drive and travel, you get to have sex and swim and and and…eventually you start to experience getting old. the suit changes, everything goes south…..you experience laying in a hospital bed surrounded by friends and family, holding your hand. you experience your eyes welling up and you slip away (or you get eaten by a shark while surfing on holiday ……either/or).

you come away from that ride in awe of what you just experienced.

everything felt so real. 

think about it….relax……enjoy the ride. you can do whatever you want. 

the end. …….(or is it?…fudge nose)

hold on…..

so what does this mean? what about my career? what about racism or sexism? wars? criminals? politics? the climate,?

there is a lot of creativity going on. always changing, always new things happening.

the perspective I am describing is also a creation. you choose yours. it’s your ride.  

yea but it means you don’t care about anything. it means i can appreciate everything for what it is. a creation. who created the earth and the birds and pugs FFS…who created the ride?………again many sincere beliefs on this one. all fine. 

ok but what about right and wrong? good and evil?…go ahead throw the first stone. it’ll be an experience. feels real doesn't it?

what does life look like through this lens?

It looks the same except the small stuff is rarely ‘sweated’ but it is easy to get caught up in defending positions, that’s how convincing the ride is. live and let live is more of a thing. there is little fear left. fear and ego are built into the ride. they drive the drama and the experience forward. watching the news unfold is fascinating.

appreciation for the smallest things like the way hands and fingers can hold a cereal bowl and spoon.

letting life unfold, that’s not easy because you want to take control of the game and sometimes you try. go for it, experience it. watching for patterns and going with that flow. not trying to change everything but letting it be. action and decisions come more from a ‘knowing or rightness’. I look into everyone’s eyes and I can see them inside the suit. we’re all here and there.

wondering if my dogs are in on this too or are they stage props?

….…Memento Mori - Remember you must die. The ride will end. so fill your boots!


inner work - this is what happens when you wake up to yourself